Sunday, June 08, 2008

Hvordan sier man how do you say?


Lord Sabbat said...

how do you say campfire?
Im confused. your posts are so cryptic.

...aly... said...

This picture is from skogfjorden...every summer during each session we would hike to this place called Buck Lake. It is a very special quiet place where we would read stories and sing, explore and watch the sunset. There was always a large bonfire. And we would write things on pieces of paper that we wanted to say but where too scared to; some would write things they wanted to forget. Then we would burn them. And it always felt good. I was just thinking about that place...hvordan sier man is Norwegian for: how do you say. How do you say what you don't know how to articulate?? I don't know sometimes, and I guess that's why it's good to have a big bonfire. They're warm and forgiving.